Monday, November 20, 2006

First Day at the New Job

Today was the first day at my new job.

It was a weird feeling walking over there, but the the whole day was very relaxed and mostly involved having coffee with colleagues. I guess I will (unfortunately) do somewhat similar things to what I did 5 years ago, but hopefully that will only be for a short period while I get up speed. Guess it is actually rather good since I can be of use right away and instead of having a long training period. Off to my new life as a working man.


Anonymous said...

I thought you were starting on the first of December (??) Still. Congrats on the job - I can hardly believe it ;-)
hugs, Kathryn

Anonymous said...

Trodde också att det var i december du skulle börja. Men, men det är väl bara skönt att få sätta igång. Hoppas att vi ses snart!

Kram, lillsyrran Johanna

Johan said...

Yeah.. It has been changed back and forth a couple of times because of reasons I don't have a clue about.