Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Blog break

Seriously no new posts until exams is what I say every day.


Anonymous said...

Ok, keep checking and waiting. BTW, when does your exam finish? Good Luck!

-- A Beijinger and a Swede in San Francisco

Johan said...

A Beijinger and a Swede in SF?

Check out an RSS reader or a service such as Bloglines. It is good for sites that don't update very often.

March 4,11: Exams Fourier Analysis, Solid State Physics

Anonymous said...

Are you aiming at doing both of them? My t-shirt business here in Cairo is not going very well by the way. :-(

Anonymous said...

Yes, we are a Beijinger and a Swede. We met in Beijing, same with you guys. :)

Well..soon you will be relieved and come back to Wen ;) Whenever I think about Fourier I feel like #@%#%!%!%#^%. :D Wish you good luck again!

Anonymous said...

I have an interest China and things Chinese so I stumbled upon your blog and loved it! I am also half Swedish, so your site is a double whammy!! I think too many blogs rant on about some focused ideological topic whereas yours is a slice of life, which is what humanity is truly about. I really find it fascinating! I don’t know much about Sweden even though I have seen the movie the “Vikings” with Kurt Douglas and am ½ Swedish! I heard the boneless frog nuts are good though. In the movie the “Vikings” Kurt Douglas comes back (from victory!!!) and while they are backing the ships into their spots Kurt Douglas climbs out the side of the ship and starts dancing on the oars. While it’s still in motion!!! What’s that dance called? Do you still do that? I never knew Vikings were big dancers till I saw that movie! Maybe my great great great great …..great grandfather and yours were Vikings together!

I’m going to learn Mandarin. It seems like a difficult language but I bet it will be worth it. How many people speak Mandarin, like a billion? It would be helpful if I ever went over there. When you were there did anyone ever talk about Vikings? Since we know so little of each others cultures they might not know about our people (Vikings)!?! I heard we have some kind of museum in Stockholm, with a real Viking boat and all. Ever been? Anyway I thought I’d tell you I liked your site!

PS What would have happened if the Vikings ever made it to China?!?!

Johan said...

Mr. Cairo T-shirt man.

Yes, I'm aiming for both of them.

Johan said...

Mr ½ Swedish Viking:

"Mightiest Of Men... Mightiest Of Spectacles... Mightiest Of Motion Pictures!"

Sounds like a great movie! I guess I have a few things to learn about Sweden too. My fellow Swedish country mates seem to have kept all of those boneless frog nuts for themselves! And I have never been invited to an oar dance either!! Bastards!! Bet it must be a whole lot of fun. As soon as I leave they probably start dancing. All the time!

I'm not sure what that dance is called, but I'm sure going to find out. Since you are also almost Swedish and probably in my family, I thing you should have the right to join in too. Perhaps not while the oars are in motion, since you don't have the complete set of viking genes, but perhaps when they are still. :)

I don't want to disappoint you and make you think we are dead boring up here, but we seriously don't have any viking culture here, and I think it would be difficult to relate our socialdemocratic welfare-state to Viking culture. I've never thought of talking about vikings in China, nor elsewhere. Most stuff in popular movies and stories are unfortunately myths, including for example the famous helmets. It doesn't stop no football fan from using it though! But hey, we do have a whole bunch of blond girls up here that you might want to come over and check out! Unfortunately we also have this gender equality thing that prevent us macho viking men from just grabbing them and drag them to our boats. Life is complicated :(

If the Vikings went to China, perhaps they could have picked up a few words and made life easier for me.

Anyway, that was probably the best comment on this blog so far! I hope you will contribute more!

Johan said...

I thought about it over lunch, and we actually do have some wild Viking stuff. We celebrate midsummer! We eat raw stinking fish, get outrageously drunk, frog dance around a phallic pole, and copulate with other random drunk people. Sort of.

If you are a girl, there are blond guys up here too. Some would actually appreciate to be dragged to your boat. In my case I would fear the wrath of the Beijinger mentioned in the name of this blog and at least pretend to resist.

Anonymous said...

You wild viking, no more daydreaming!

The Beijinger:P

Anonymous said...

Haha..like the comments! My husband did mention some viking thing or history to get me interested (in him eventually, I guess ;) before we became boyfriend and girlfriend. The funny thing is when I told my mom about it, she got so nervious and asked me to be careful! :D My poor innocent mom!

- ABAS (stands for A Beijinger and A Swede in SF :P )

Steve Middleton said...

Good luck

Anonymous said...

Hej Johan!
Jag hoppas att du mår bra?

Jag behöver ditt professionellt råd om sommarkursen jag ska göra i Sverige. Det finns nämligen tre valmöjligheter till platsen där vi kan ta del i kursen:

Birka folkhögskolan i Jämtland (17/7-4/8)
Billströmska fhsk i Bohuslän (24/7-11/8)
Axevalla fhsk i Västergötland (25/7-12/8)

Har du någon aning om vilken av de här är mest intressanta eller vilken är en absolut tråkig plats?

Tack och lycka till med dina tentor!
Evy (den belgiska ;))

Johan said...

Hej Evy!

Jodå, allt väl här! Hur står det till själv?

Angående din fråga så är det lite svårt att avgöra vad som är bäst. Kanske den i Bohuslän eftersom det är väldigt fint i Bohuslän under sommaren.

Du kan alltid nå mig via epost om du har fler frågor.


Anonymous said...

Good luck for your exam on Saturday!

Johan said...

Thanks buddy!