Friday, August 13, 2004

Avi on tour

Me and Avi on the camping ground in Värnamo.

Avinash and his friend Felix called me this morning. They are on a bike tour through Sweden. I meet Avi when he was studying at Chalmers. He's a friendly Indian guy and he is studying for his Ph.D in Germany at the moment. Was very cool to see him. Haven't seen him for tow years though we have chatted on the net. He had a little piece of paper in his wallet where it said that I was from Värnamo and he discovered that when they while camping in town. He managed to send me an email with his phone (first time he did that!) and I got it here at work. I send him an SMS and in the morning he called me. I went to see them at the camping ground and then they had to move on. I felt bad for not being able to host them, but hey, that was REALLY on a short notice.

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