Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Calling people

Today I called the local newspaper "Värnamo Nyheter" and asked if they would be interested in me writing some articles. They were very interested, but admitted that they wouldn't be able to pay me more than 700 SEK (about $90) a piece including pictures. That is really sucky. I suggested that I could possible write a series of articles and in that way earn a little bit more and the guy I talked to said that it could be possible. Just as Stefan had said, they were more interested in writing a piece about my life in China. That's cool, and could possible be useful as well. Värnamo is a small town so people will probably notice it. People with interest in China will know that I exist and that could be useful. They don't have any web-edition, but if there will be anything published I could possible scan it and post it here.

I also called the CEO of a company that represents a couple of hundred companies around here, "Värnamo Företagareförening AB", and I have an appointment to have a discussion about this on Thursday. Hope I can make a good impression on him so he gives me a bag of money. Yeah right.

I'm still waiting for papers from my university to prove that I have been studying, so I can apply for the unemployment money. It's a little bit complicated. Since I have started a period of unemployment a couple of years ago (I was actually studying), I can continue this period if I can prove I have been studying in between. That's how it works in Sweden. I do have to pay for this insurance though. I really don't deserve this money, but it would be stupid not to apply for them. I'm bad. No morals to be found here.

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